Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Miracles Here and There

Greetings fellow Earth adventurers! Just thought I’d pop in and post a bit.

I had the opportunity to do some cleansing in the last two years since I posted. Juicing fruits and vegetables was a big part of it, as was lots of salads and eliminating all animal products from my diet. Reading The China Study by T. Collin Campbell was very motivating to eat all plant based.

I also got to try different drugs. One made me loose my hair, then I changed to another and my hair grew back for the second time. I love being bald. It is the greatest thing ever. No hair to take the time to wash or care for. I think, though, that I’ll settle for very short hair. The two down sides to baldness are a cold head in the winter and a sunburned one in the summer.

After I completed the first treatment that I was on in 2012 the cancer went away and doctors were saying, “the treatment was effective” or “you responded well to treatment”. I would say, “well, yes, but I was doing other things too that helped.” The one thing I did not say was, “God has preserved to me live another day.” That element was missing from my perspective.

I felt that God lead me to find alternative treatments to support my journey and I thanked him for that. But I got lost in the world of health and the reasoning there. I focused so much on food and emotional work that I put God’s healing power on a back burner. I still believe that I am to do all that I can to be well, which includes: what I eat, how I think, what I drink, what I put on my skin, what cleaners are in my house, what a dentist puts in my month, and where I get my food. But all of that is secondary to the power of God. If he wants more bread and fish, he just creates more like when he fed the 5,000 in Jerusalem. 

He has allowed me to be part of my own healing journey which has allowed me to learn through the process. He can just heal me, but he instead allows me to learn. He allows me to grow and to come to understand things at a new level and in a new way.

When my children are unhappy or having a hard time, it is very tempting for me to rush in and just fix what is wrong. I find myself thinking, “let her fail, I’m not helping her by doing it for her.”

In seeing how and where and when the Savior has healed me, I am a better person and feel closer to Him. I have been healed in ways and in areas that are not so visible but are real nonetheless.

For example, last year I had several fractures in my hips. How did I accomplish this amazing task? I stood up. I am a pretty amazing stander-upper. I was flat on my back for a few weeks, then I could kind of move to lay down on the couch. I would alternate laying down in bed to laying down on the couch for the next few months.

Many angles came and helped me during this time by bringing meals, cleaning my house, driving my daughters to their lessons, and coming to visit. This was amazing and I will always be thankful for their service. An unforeseen miracle was that though the whole thing I never felt like it was a big deal. Even with the trip to the ER, I knew I would be fine and just needed time to heal. I looked at it as time to rest and to write stories and do family history work.

Thinking back, I can see that it was a big deal, but I felt fine and was very cheerful about the whole thing. I knew everything would be okay and it was. That miracle and emotional healing along with the physical healing is a sustaining miracle. A miracle that builds faith. A miracle that surpasses understanding and could only happen as a gift from heaven.

The sustaining miracles in my life allow me to reflect and to feel more joy. I’m all about feeling joy.

May you feel joy this day too and look for the miracles that God is giving you.