Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Doctor Visits

At times I spend the day thoroughly amused by my experience in the medical culture. 

For example, I met with a surgeon (per my oncologist's request) and the conversation went something like this:

Doc: We don't have a lot of studies that provide evidence that surgery would improve survival. In fact, none of them do for fourth stage.

Me: I don't want surgery.

Doc: Good, because I would not recommend it for you.

Later meeting with the radiation doctor:

Doc: There are not studies that support doing radiation in your situation. There is a general trend to spot radiate, but no data driven studies to support it.

Me: I don't want radiation.

Doc: Well, that sways it. There is not a compelling reason to go after it in this way anyway.

Ultrasound with imaging doctor:

Doc: There is a bump here, it looks like a ball of fat.

Me: Cool.

So I continue as I am. Chuckling at the amount of time spent waiting in exam rooms, waiting rooms and in driving. 

And through it all each doctor is very surprised and even amazed that the cancer is all gone. 

Good times.


  1. I am amazed and inspired by your wonderful attitude!

  2. All the waiting can be quite frustrating, but how happy to know it is all for nothing! Well, sort of. I'm sure there are a myriad of other things you would rather do than wait in doctor's offices to be told what you already know, but still. Pretty awesome to know you are waiting to be told again that you are ok rather than to be told you need more stuff to be done. Did any of that make sense? Oh dear. I sure hope so. :)
