Thursday, June 4, 2015

Newest Adventure

The more I learn, the more I think that none of us knows as much as we think we do.

For example: a certain person says this will help with x. I believe them. They believe themselves. It kind of works. Another person says that  this other thing will also help with x and even y! I believe them, they believe themselves. It kind of works too. 

My problem is that I like to learn new things, I like to try new things, and they totally work for me. So then I tend to trust in those things. But those things are not in charge. The doctors are not in charge. Dietitians are not in charge. Holistic health people are not in charge. Well-wishers and advice givers are not in charge. Books are not in charge.

I was reminded of this these past few weeks, and it was a welcome and needed reminder. Which brings me to the mastectomy that was scheduled today. The only other surgery I've had was a caesarean section three years ago. This will be another new and every exciting adventure. I was told that it is not as painful as other surgeries, so that's a bonus, but really? It is still surgery. 

There is only one reason I was able to schedule this operation. I participated in much prayer, fasting and pleading for direction that would allow the fulfillment of a certain blessing I was given two years ago - the blessing to live. This feels like the next step to allow the fulfillment of that blessing. 

I still need to keep up with my other stuff: meditation, eating raw and organic, exercise, adding lots of sprouts, thinking positive, serving others, drinking smoothies, etc. 

I'm excited about this newest adventure. I get to experience something new. And as long as the PET scan in the next few weeks shows that all the cancer is still localized to the breast, the surgery will proceed. The surgery was recommended because the cancer is nowhere else in my body. All the cancer in the liver and bones is gone. It is not in my lymph nodes. Left alone, the cancer is my breast can grow (as it is now, and has been) and cause pain, infection, bleeding, leaking, etc. So this local control can help eliminate that. 

I "trust in the Lord with all my heart, and lean not unto [my] own understanding. In all [my] ways [I] acknowledge him, and he shall direct [my] path."