Thursday, May 29, 2014


My doctor told me that, "people who exercise tend to do better."

I once was really consistent at exercising...then I had kids.

I was consistent again when first diagnosed with cancer, and then the kids were still there, and we moved, and my legs hurt, bla, bla, bla...

To support my daughters, who are taking karate classes, I attended their free Mother's Day "bring your mom and do karate with her" night. It was very fun. The catch? After class they say, "if you sign up for karate, Moms, it's only $50.00 a month.

So naturally I sign up.

I now exercise regularly, at least the twice a week of my karate class.

It takes me the rest of the week to recover from the push ups, squats, jumping push ups things, and cart wheels. Not to mention kicking and punching bags.

Did you know that karate uses EVERY MUSCLE IN YOU ENTIRE BODY?

Well, it does.

So thanks to super food smoothies that help me recover from said muscle excretion, I'm spending less time in recovery each week.

Soon, I might be able to attend the second class of the week without tearing up from fatigue and trying to remember all the combinations.

So, Doc, now I am "doing better" and getting oxygen to my cells.

Goal reached.


  1. I took karate once. I quit when it came to the test where you have to walk down a dark path while people jump out and you have to defend yourself! haha Good for you.

  2. I think I would quit if I had to do that too! Sheesh...that's intense!
