Friday, July 10, 2015


Post surgery checkups are cool for a couple of reasons:

  1. I got to see the surgeon not in scrubs
  2. Nurses were not trying to get me ready for surgery, but were just checking up on me
  3. The surgery is over

Looking at the pathology report during a post surgery visit is cool because: 

  1. I learned what a pathology report is
  2. I saw the rationale behind some of the decisions medical professionals make
  3. I got to read the resident doctor's report and the attending physician's report
  4. The gross report means what things look like to the naked eye - is that why it's called gross?
  5. Who comes up with these names? That's all I have to say about that. 

Based on the very detailed and specific pathology report, I am a great candidate for radiation. Good thing that pathology report was there to clear that up. 

Surgeon: You'll have a consultation with Dr. [Radiation] and go through a dry run where they set everything up how it will be for radiation.

Keith: Like a dress rehearsal?

Surgeon: Yeah.

Delores: Okay, I'll do it as long as the doctor dresses up for the play when I have the radiation. 

Keith: Yeah. Like cosplay?

Surgeon: (chuckling) Oh! Now I have a picture of that in my head. Everytime I picture her doing radiation I'm going to picture her all dressed up for a play. Ha! I've got to tell her! 

I figure that as long as the radiation doctor is willing to dress up to play her part, I can do mine as well. 

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome attitude. Those doctors need a good laugh.
