Friday, July 24, 2015

Bonus Adventures

I think I can drive up to the Huntsman Cancer Institute with my eyes closed (don't worry, I won't). My latest visit was very informative and adventurous! After meeting with my radiation oncologist (cool title!), I got a new drain put in. 

Backing up: the surgical drain that was put in during surgery came out last Friday because the fluid that was draining was sufficiently low. Around Sunday I noticed some fluid retention which increased daily and peaked on Wednesday. I called it a waterbed because that's how it acted. I pushed in one place and the fluid would move along in waves under my skin. Thursday my surgeon drained about 90 mL of goodness in the office, and the new drain is working well. The best part about this new drain adventure is that the first drain she put in did not work well, so she put in another one. Second time's the charm! Perhaps I'll get this new drain out next week, but we are being very conservative this time.

I also learned that radiation is a daily thing. After participating in chemotherapy with weeks in between infusions, doing something daily was a bit of a shock. Get this - five days a week (Monday through Friday) for six weeks. Yep. Sounds awesome. The bonus? I get to go to the Huntsman Cancer Clinic thing in Day Break for radiation, which is closer to home, and each appointment will only be about 30 minutes. So, really, it won't be bad at all. I can still even drive my girls to school, go get radiation, then come home with plenty of time to do PTA stuff and dishes before I go get them to bring them home. And still get chemotherapy every three weeks. Bring it on!

It's no secret that radiation causes cancer. My husband put it this way: you can die of breast cancer in a year, or do radiation and deal with thyroid cancer in 15 years. When I mentioned that to the radiation oncologist, she said she wished I could come talk to her other patients. That is the perspective she tries to bring with radiation. 

For better or worse, this is the course I feel impressed to follow. So, follow I will. But the best part? I don't start radiation until I get back from Hawaii. Mahalo!

1 comment:

  1. It is wonderful to hear that it is working with your life so beautifully. You have a wonderful perspective.
