Sunday, March 16, 2014


Feelings of self-worth are interesting.

Is my worth determined by my ability to keep a house clean?
Is it determined by the time I spend reading with a child?
How about how much attention I receive from my husband?
The way I serve others?
or maybe the number of complements I receive about my hair?
Perhaps it is determined by the amount of time I spend reading the scriptures?
Or attending worship services?

Is it negatively affected when I loose my temper with a child?
Or think unkind thoughts about others?
Does my self-worth level drop when I sin?

Or could it be that my worth is not touched by any of these things.
That my worth is infinite and eternal and does not change.
That I am bought with a price and am not my own.

When I focus on the latter three ideas, my whole world feels lighter. Nothing I do can or will affect my level of worth. It has already been determined by someone far wiser than myself. 

As I allow others to be where they are, and allow myself to be where I am, I feel peace. I am also able to allow myself to feel my own worth, without relation to anyone else. 

Real and lasting feelings of worth come from up above and from deep inside. When I am truly honest with myself, I can only say that I am important, I matter, what I want matters, what I have to say is important, I am worth taking care of, and I accept myself and approve of myself exactly where I am right now.

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