Thursday, January 29, 2015


Today I am thankful for forks.

All growing up, whenever my mother needed to get something untied she would ask us to, "get the pickle fork." A small, sharp fork used many times to save the day. I, however, never needed the fork. I had very strong fingernails that tackled shoelaces, string, and even opened boxes and ripped tape.

Now I use forks. As my fingernails break off, split, rip apart, and otherwise continue not to heal, I have a new appreciation for forks. The weakness in my fingers also loves forks. Forks save already ripped nails from further damage as they do the hard work to open knots and save yarn. Yea forks!

My toenails have recently joined the fray of splitting, and stubbed toes have turned into split open skin with major bruises. Awesome! I have never loved my feet as much as I do now!

All because of you didn't know about these cool effects, did you?

Thank you for forks, and for shoes, and for awesome blessings I might not have appreciated if I didn't need them as much as I do now.

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