Saturday, October 5, 2013

A Stewed Apple

I have been eating a stewed apple every morning. According to the book, The Answer to Cancer, by Hari Sharma, Rama Mishra, and James Meade, a stewed apple - or pear- in the morning will help the environment of the body be more friendly to healthy things and less friendly to toxic things. It also aids and stimulates digestion and gets your body ready for the day. Plus, it tastes great!

Here's how to do it:
-Cook your apple first thing in the morning, the sooner the better. The authors of the book mentioned above say at sunrise is great, but I just do it right when I wake up.
-Use a sweet apple, like a golden delicious or red delicious. Sour apples don't work as well to aid digestion.
-Peel the apple, quarter it and core it.
-Pierce each apple quarter with a whole clove.
-Boil it for about five minutes.
-When it has reached your desired consistency, take out the cloves and toss them.
-It is best to drink some warm water with the stewed apple.
-It is not recommended to do this at night, as that is when your digestion needs to be calming down, and this will get it all revved up. So do it in the morning.

It is supper yummy and I feel wakes up my digestion. Plus, the flavor goes will with the fall season.



  1. Hi Delores!
    What a great example you are. It will be a pleasure to follow your blog. Keep smiling!

  2. Delores, Thanks for sharing. You are an inspiration. We are sending positive prayers up to heaven for you.
