Wednesday, October 2, 2013


I am starting a blog...
Not one about my kids, or my husband, but about my adventure through cancer...I'm so excited!

About two weeks ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The best part about telling my girls was that my six-year-old said her teacher had had cancer and shown pictures to her students of her without hair," and my teacher had a wig, maybe you can wear a wig too!" So I'm going to let my two older girls cut my hair off when it's time and we'll all learn how to wear scarfs.

I'm not sad or scared about this diagnoses. I look at it as a chance to learn and grow. I feel humbled. I feel blessed and I feel that I have been prepared. I also feel humbled at all the love and support that has been poured out on my family.

So here new awesome adventure!


  1. Hey Delores- Man it seems like a long time since we got together. Too long. I sat in front of your family at the 4th of July parade in Provo this year, but no luck seeing you :( I'm so sorry to hear the news. Tough ride ahead. You are amazing, and you will kick this. What do you need and what can we do for you? Lots of love and hugs from me (and my family). <3 Tina

  2. Delores, I love that you're doing this! We need to coordinate and have an adventure together we can both blog about, because I am totally here to go on this adventure with you all the way!

  3. Tina, I didn't go to the pared this year. We ran the freedom run, then I took a nap with the baby until BBQ time. I'm not sorry that I get to go through this. I really look at it as an opportunity to grow. Thanks for your love and prayers!

  4. Delores, Wow!! Life is full of crazy twists and turns. Five years ago our neighbor and very close friend went thru this same struggle and came out of it a stronger and even more wonderful person on the other side. Having good friends close by and lots of family support will get you thru those days that you just can't do yourself. We become who we are because of the experiences and challenges we face, not in spite of them. You are an inspiration to me in your attitude and courage facing this challenge. A friend of mine went thru some massive medical struggles with one of his children and I commented, "I could never go thru what you have!" His comment to me was, "You don't know what you can do until you are faced with it!" I know it has been years since we have seen each other or really even known each other, but know that my prayers are with you, even from way up here in Oregon! I will be following your blog and hoping you get thru this as quickly as possible!
    Darius Jones

    1. Thank you for your words of encouragement, Darius! I am touched by your sentiments.

  5. Hi Delores! I think you are amazing and have such an awesome attitude. I know that your attitude and your faith is what is going to get you through this. You are a great example and I look forward to watch you growing through the process & in your strength! Tiffany

  6. Delores and I are having her blog translated into Spanish. See the translation for this article here:
