Thursday, October 3, 2013

Feelings Buried Alive...

I have used the book, Feelings Buried Alive Never Die, by Karol K. Truman, for years. It gives information, but also works as a workbook for working through negative emotions and replacing them with the ones we want in our lives.

So, as I sat today getting a PET scan done, which by the way is AWESOME! Not loud like the MRI, and I got to be radio active for a couple of hours, I mean how many times does that happen in one's life, really?
So, as I sat being radio active I had lots of time to think, aside from giggling because the sign by the door said I was being video taped. I just though that was so funny to video someone drinking goo and sitting in the dark...what a boring video!

A test said my liver had issues...and the emotion book mentioned above describes the liver as the anger center. So I looked up all the anger issues listed under liver, and yep, I had them all. I then worked through half of them, and began to feel better almost right away.

New mental attitude: replace negative words, even mental words, with positive ones.

As I do this daily I feel better every time. I am amazed a the negative self talk that has crept in over the years.
Things like:
It doesn't matter what I want, I won't get it anyway
I don't matter
I can't do this
bla, bla, bla

I have changed these statements to just the opposite, but these are only an example. The more positive I have become, the more I feel alive, the more everyday seems to hold joy, and I choose to fill my world with joy!

1 comment:

  1. That's fantastic! Amazing the affect small things have.
