Monday, October 14, 2013

First Chemo Treatment

I had my first chemotherapy treatment on Friday...
And how did it go?


I felt a bit weak, and as I walked around I thought, "if I were to eat sugar or refined grains or anything processed right now, I think I would be really sick and most likely vomit. My body needs nutrient dense food. "

I could just feel it.

And then, my favorite part, is that they offered me snacks: Oreos, juice, crackers, raisins. You know, sugar to feed the cancer. It's not a huge secret that cancer cells only source of fuel is sugar. That's why I was injected with radioactive sugar for the PET scan, so they could follow the sugar and see where it was being consumed at alarmingly high rates. 

I sent my awesome husband upstairs for some salmon and a salad. 

After treatment I had a great dinner, went for a walk and took a bath with Epsom salts to help detox.

Around 2am I awoke with a headache and felt a bit nauseous, so I took two Tylenol and drank some alkali zing salts. The salts took care of my queasy stomach, and after doing some deep breathing I was able to go back to sleep just fine.

Saturday I went for another walk, this one was more vigorous, and I felt great.

Then I met with Marc for my first lesson in transcendental  Meditation. 

That has really helped me learn to relax, and is releasing stress from my life. Yea, less stress!

So now it's off to more emotional work, and I think I need a nap.

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