Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Check List

People have asked me what I've done to help this cancer go away.
Well, here goes, and this is pretty close to the order I did them in:

- began working through bottled up emotions, replacing negative emotions with positive ones
- stopped eating anything with sugar in it
- got a live blood analysis done, which gave me insights on how to change my diet and water intake
- began walking every day, usually in the morning
- added LOTS of vegetables to my diet, especially dark green ones
- began drinking alkalized water from The Water Wellness Center 
- began taking baths with Epsom salts to detox
- added more positive affirmations, and continue to do so whenever a negative thought pattern pops up
- began taking a probiotic, vitamin B complex, and vitamin D supplements
- started drinking chlorophyll morning and night
- started drinking alkalizing salts
- learned how to lymph brush, and began doing that twice a week to help my lymph system flush itself out
- got my spine aligned to help my nervous system send signals appropriately
- did a detox foot bath, aka beefy bath
- stopped eating all grains, and most fruit (I still eat berries, lemons, limes, and Granny Smith apples- ones with low GI scores.)
- cut out all GM food and hydrogenated or damaged oils
- limited meat intake to organic, no-hormone, cage-free, grass fed, and wild caught
- added a short, intense workout in the morning to get lots of oxygen to my cells
- added organic produce to my diet
- began an iodine supplement
- took a class on Transcendental Meditation, and began meditating twice daily 

That brings me current.

And I began doing these ONE AT A TIME. Just looking at this list is a bit overwhelming. But one at a time was manageable for me.

The great doctors are focused on drugs, and managing side effects. I'll let them worry about that, and I'll work on the rest of me.

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